Building Support

While we all like to think we can tough things out on our own, this is the time to be reaching out for support. Whether you are struggling with mental health or physical health (or both) challenges, having the appropriate support and care is vital.

More importantly, if you (or your child) are moving out of state to attend college, you’ll need to plan for care from a local provider. During the pandemic, providers, both medical and mental health, were allowed to provide care across state borders without repercussions. Now, however, this is no longer the case. To complicate matters, it can sometimes take months to get an appointment with a new provider, especially for mental health care.

So, now is the time to start planning! Determine exactly what you need and identify your priorities (location, in-network with insurance, provider’s background/training, access for emergencies, etc.). And get out there and make those phone calls!

And if you’d like support with this process (sadly, it can be arduous), I’d be happy to help!


Attending College Post-Roe


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