The Almighty Cell Phone

The cell phone: is it friend or foe? The truth is that it is both - but we have the power to maximize its power for good.

What do I mean by this?

We as parents tend to overuse the connection the cell phone affords, utilizing it as an extended umbilical cord, as we track our children’s location with GPS tagging, text multiple times during the day ( “did you eat the lunch I packed?”) and even stalk their social media profiles. While we may justify some of this in the name of safety, much is done really to satisfy our own sense of control.

On the other hand, a cell phone can be a helpful tool. It can be the reminder (INSTEAD OF US!) for our child to wake up in the morning, to prep lunch for tomorrow, or to attend an important function, by using one of any of the many apps that function to alert (Calendar, Reminders, or many other “to do” apps that are available). The phone can also store information in the notes or health section, such as their health information, their medications and doses, and their insurance information so that when they are at a doctor’s appointment, they can answer these questions independently and confidently.

Interestingly, the phone also highlights generation gaps. While professors and administrators in high school or college generally rely on email or voicemail, students communicate almost exclusively on text or social media messaging. This may result in a problematic disconnect. It is therefore vital to remind your student that if they want to keep in contact with those who may be giving them assignments or crucial notifications, they need to both check email at regular intervals every day, and to set up voice mail, check it, and clear it so that they may receive additional messages. They will inevitably be receiving messages through those more traditional media - it is essential for them to be on top of receiving and responding to them.

Help your student use their cell phone as friend vs foe!


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